Business Theatre
Business Theatre – a playful way to find new solutions
When it comes to developing soft skills and expanding one’s behavioral repertoire, theoretical knowledge does not necessarily always help. Only by experiencing things for oneself, grasping them, and trying out creative solutions in an intensive, playful way can decisive progress be made. That is where our business theatre comes in. We combine unique methods derived from theatre and performing arts and put them at your service. During the training, you will get helpful impulses and new perspectives on yourself and others – both as a leader and as a member of a highly diversified team. Are you ready for new challenges? Then it’s time to raise the curtain on your full potential.
In Focus: Managers, Teams and Potentials
Individual training: Utilizing the playfulness of our learning approach, exploring new possibilities, discovering hidden messages, and implementing new communication styles: All this is possible with one-to-one training sessions. You will rediscover the emotional aspects of leadership and management. We will then support you in developing and living up to your full potential.
Development of Teams and Organizations: As experts in group processes, we help empower teams to build trust and resilience, recognize conflicts, resolve them constructively and focus on shared successes. The theatre setting facilitates the acquisition of fresh and unique perspectives and strengthens team spirit in an inspiring and holistic way.
Creativity and Innovation: Difficult situations need creative solutions. The targeted use of methods derived from the performing arts will teach you how to find these solutions. You and your team will be trained to think “outside of the box”. Which will strengthen self-confidence, self-efficacy and empathy, thus enabling your company to develop innovative and creative solutions.
On stage
Insight and Expression.
Here we focus on refining emotional self-awareness, releasing blockages, and developing meaningful and authentic forms of expression for yourself. In the process routines and rigid ways of thinking will crack and crumble. You will then experience new ways of trusting and understanding, enabling you to respond constructively to changing situations.
On stage
Team Spirit and Innovation
This workshop strengthens the innovative power of leadership, project teams, and operational teams. By writing and staging scenes, the creativity and potential of the group can be experienced and internalized. The fear of making mistakes will disappear – because now, a mistake will be considered as a chance to learn and develop creative and innovative solutions.
On stage
Personality and Performance
Find your role, act authentically and exert influence. Whether you are an idealistic dealmaker, a realistic problem solver, a logical analyst or a bold visionary: You must be in touch with your environment and accept emotions – your own and those of others.
Duration and Group size
All workshops can be individually adapted to your needs.
Duration: minimum 1, maximum 5 training days
Participants: maximum 12 persons
Costs: variable, depending on duration and group size
Call us or send us an e-mail. We will be happy to provide you with more information.
The Team
Ángela Paula Amarilla
Ángela Amarilla is a writer and director. She has worked as a professor of literature and linguistics at several international universities. She has also worked as a columnist for Página 12’s LGBTQIA+ cultural supplement SOY, one of the most important of its kind in Latin America.
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Tobias Gelbert
With decades of experience in major industry sectors, Gelbert has been a consultant since 2021. As your business theatre coach, he draws on his three-year experience in acting training, stage performance and acting production, among other things. More …